Daily living aids
What are daily living aids?
Why choose EasylinkUK?
When you buy products from Easylink UK you are buying own brand products, which are manufactured by Easylink or are contract manufactured on our behalf and in our control. We can therefore guarantee quality, performance and resolve technical issues and provide informed support. Click here to view our accreditation and company information
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Popular Products
Easy TV Remote Control

Easylink UK supply a diverse range of daily living aids, which all provide a solution to scenarios that can be frustrating for a person, such as over-complicated TV remote controls. Our Easy TV remote learns the main operating codes from an existing remote control toreduce clutter and simplify operation
Poor dexterity ✓
Cognitve Impairment ✓
Quick And Easy ✓
Only £10 ✓
Easy To Use Photo Dial Telephone

This phone from DORRO offers real simplicity of use. Favourite numbers are easily assigned to a one-touch photo dial button. A folding lockable cover folds over the keypad to product the buttons if they need to be concealed
Press photo to dial✓
Simple for elderly and dementia ✓
Amplified handset for hard of hearing ✓
Talking Thermometer

When weather extremes cause temperatures to plummet or soar to unhealthy
temperatures, a simple talking thermometer can help to maintain a safe and
healthy living environment
Talking Thermometer✓
Ideal For Blind ✓
Low High Temperature Warning ✓
MDHW-E1 Waterproof Health Smartband

A huge number of people use Smart Health watches to monitor daily activity
such as step counting, hours asleep and approximate heart rate and blood
pressure. The Easylink MDHW-E1 is an affordable waterproof Smartband that can
be worn all day and night
Heart Rate, Blood Pressure ✓
Vibrating Alerts Phone,Text,Calls,Social Media ✓
Not just for the young, how many steps does Gran do? ✓
Automatic Safety Light

Simple automatic lighting can help reduce falls in the home. As a daily living aid, the movement activate PIR battery operated light is ideal for bedrooms, halls, bathrooms. Many people fall in the home as a result of failing to turn on a light when leaving the bed during the night
View ProductFall Prevention & Detection Products
Falls at home are one of the main concerns for distant family carers. Not only do they usually result in hospitalisation, they have an adverse effect on the confidence and self-esteem for the person. There are some simple technologies available that can help to reduce the likelihood of a fall in the home and while in professional care
Why do people fall?
Loss of balance, dizziness, delirium, disability, age, trip, slip. There are precautions that can be planned and implemented to reduce falls risks in the home. Remove rugs that could slip on polished or laminated floors. Move everyday cooking items to lower shelves in cupboards to reduce stretching and overreaching. Check footwear, loose fitting slippers are a favourite for causing a fall. Check medications are correct and are not causing confusion or cognitive impairment. Contact an expert for further advice. So, back to the Assistive Technology. Here are some examples
Fall Preventing Products
Bed and chair leaving alarms These are devices that detect a person sitting in their chair or laying in their bed. When they rise and attempt to get up an alarm is sent wirelessly to a pager or alarm device. You can see our range of occupancy alarms HERE
Remote controlled lights These are devices that remotely turn on a light in response to an action, like leaving the bed during the night. Some are mains powered and use a table or bedside lamp, others use battery power and can include a movement sensing PIR to automatically switch on a light
Voice prompting warning and reminder aids These are devices that allow recording of personal reminder messages, “Stay in bed” or “please remain seated I’m on my way to help”. The message can be triggered by a sensor pad, photoelectric beam or movement sensor.
Fall Detecting Products
Body warn fall sensor These devices usually contain an accelerometer and or a tilt switch to detect a change in height or position of a person’s body. They can transmit an alarm signal to a pager, telephone auto dialler or nurse call system. These devices are usually only for use within the home
GSM or Bluetooth fall sensor These devices are primarily for use outside the home, but they also provide an effective solution for indoor fall detection. When a suspected fall is detected the device sends a signal to generate an external alarm, to a mobile phone, home telephone emergency dialler or alarm call centre. Some devices can also provide GPS location tracker details and may include mobile phone calling
Medpage Limited T/A Easylink UK has manufactured and supplied fall detection and prevention products for over 20 years. How technology has changed during that time and how pleased are we to keep pace with it. Our new Micro-Tracker with fall detection and GPS positioning for example, weighs only 23g (just over ½ an ounce) and is not much bigger than a 50p coin